
Softball All-Purpose General Meeting 2001 - Minutes


Minutes of Previous Years: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000


CERN Coop Cafeteria - 15 February 2001, 17:30.
Reported by Roberto Divià, CERN Softball Club Club Vice-President.


The following members of the CERN Softball Club attended the 2001 APGM:


The following agenda was proposed and accepted:


Reading of Minutes from APGM 2000

The minutes from the APGM 2000 were read and accepted with unanimous vote.

Presentation of Committee for 2000

The Club Committee officers elected during the year 2000 where presented and their priceless involvement in the CERN Softball Club acknowledged.

Presentation of Activities for 2000

The Activities for 2000 where described and reviewed.

Preparation for the 2000 season took place in April, when Mission Field was put back into working condition.

The GSL regular season was disputed between May and September 2000 and a good attendance was observed.

The activities of the CERN Softball Club were very well described in the CERN Vitrine from 9 June until 7 July 2000.

The new Higgs Field was used during the 24-25 June period to host the Bernie Tourney.

The traditional Softball Club BBQ was held on 19 August at the Opal BBQ pit.

The Awards Banquet took place at the Auberge Crêt de la Neige on 28 October.

Presentation of Accounting for 2000

The Accounting for 2000 was presented and accepted with unanimous vote. With 2,458.15 CHF of Receipts and 4,437.20 CHF of Payments, the Committee reported a deficit of 1,979.05 CHF. Most payments went to the completion of Higgs Field and the stocking of shirts and caps. Most of the deficit is due to the fact that the 1,500.00 CHF CCC subsidy was not received until January 2001 and was thus not included in the 2000 accounting.

Election of Committee for 2001

Committee elections were held. The CERN Softball Club Executive Committee for 2001 shall be:

Steven Goldfarb
13 for / 0 against / 1 abstention
Roberto Divià
13 for / 0 against / 1 abstention
Maicci White
13 for / 0 against / 1 abstention
Public Relations Officer
Andrew de Beaulac
13 for / 0 against / 1 abstention
Recruitment Officers
Brenda & Richard Hagen
12 for / 0 against / 2 abstentions
Higgs Field Chief Gardener
Paul Garritty
13 for / 0 against / 1 abstention
Hardronic Coordinator
John White
appointed position

Appointment of Coaches:

R. Hagen was officially re-elected Coach for the Quarks. The post of Coach for the Leptons was discussed but not attributed and it will be re-discussed and finalized once Spring Training will begin.

Editor's note: A. de Beaulac accepted the position of Lepton Coach, two weeks following the APGM.

Planning of Activities for 2001

Activities for 2001 were reviewed and planned.

Work for beautification of the Higgs Field will start as early as weather permits. This will include addition for sand on the infield and to fill mole holes, placement of bases, box behind the backstop, etc.

The Mission field will need similar attention as soon as the weather settles. Members of the CERN Softball Club are requested to participate actively in the event.

An official inauguration for the Higgs Field will be held (see next point on the agenda for more details).

The CERN vitrine will be made available to display the activities of the CERN Softball Club for the period 1-22 June 2001.

Proposal was advanced to modify the schedule of the GSL tournament. Games should be held during early and late Summer, therefore skipping the mid-Summer "hot months" where attendance is reduced due to conferences and/or holidays. Occasional, unofficial games may be held during the hot months, according to the number of players that will show up. This scheme will be proposed at the next GSL Pizza meeting.

A Mad Hatter tournament will be held as tradition towards the end of Summer.

BBQ and Awards dunner will be organized with tentative dates August and October respectively.

Discussion of Higgs Field Inauguration

Plans were presented and discussed for the Higgs Field Inauguration, planned for beginning of Summer 2001. A new post (Higgs Field Chief Gardener) was created to ensure aestetic improvements to the Field and fence plus the implantation of a ceremonial tree and perhaps a time capsule beneath home plate, to mark the event.

Listing of Club Tasks and Identification of Responsible Persons

A list of the tasks which need to be completed throughout the year for the running and improvement of the Softball club was presented and discussed. Not all the roles are ment to be assigned: they should define tasks (rather then responsibles) to be fullfilled at due time.

Planning of Accounting for 2001

Accounting for 2001 was proposed and reviewed. No particular request will be advanced to the CCC; this should lower the profile of the club and allow more positive response to future requests. This will be possible if the CERN gardener agrees to fold the fees for the Higgs Field maintenance into other accounts. Otherwise, necessary reimbursement from the CCC will be requested.


The session was closed at 18:50. line CERN Clubs Softball
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