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Recorded by Brenda Hagen - Softball Club Secretary - CERN Restaurant 1 - 28 Mar 2006, 18:00. Minutes of Previous Years: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 AttendeesThe following members of the Cern Softball Club were present:
AgendaThe following agenda was proposed and accepted:
Reading of Minutes from APGM 2005The APGM 2005 Minutes were read and accepted with unanimous vote. Presentation of Committee for 2005The Club Committee officers who served during 2005 where presented and their priceless involvement in the CERN Softball Club acknowledged. Peter Jess, Radovan Chytracek and John, Maicci and Cosmo White were unable to attend. Presentation of Activities for 2005The Activities for 2005 were described and reviewed. We played a lot of softball, had a tourney and did some fieldwork and then again played a lot of softball. So, it was a successful season. Presentation of Accounting for 2005 Our
treasurer having absconded to Moscow in December 2005, we only had a provisional
accounting to present. It
is decided that 1°
the dues 2005 will have to be updated: the list is published on the web
site and that In
2005 we did not have any major expenses. Income was not very high either,
as our dues collection was a little shaky. This
year we shall need to buy some new bats and a couple of gloves. Rob Smith
will take a shopping list with him to the US. Peter Selepec has brought
balls for practice. Rob Smith brings petty cash for about CHF 1’000 in Swiss Franc and Euro, still from the Bernie Tourney 2005. Rob will deposit the CHF-bills on the UBS-account and we’ll keep the change for the next Bernie Tourney. Discussion of Committee Responsibilities
Election of Committee for 2006Here are the results of the Committee elections:
All candidates were elected and will serve from 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007. Planning of Activities for 2006 Activities
for 2006 were discussed and planned. They do not change much from last
year. The President suggestion: let’s have a short and sweet season
and see how many people we can collect for after-season games. Not
organizing the Berney Tourney in the same weekend as the Hardronic Festival
has turned out to be not a big success, so this year we’ll try again
to have the Bernie Tourney in the same weekend as the Hardronic Festival.
Provisional date is 29/30 of July. This should be confirmed by the Cern
Music Club on the 30th of March 2006. We
have a slot for an article in the Cern Staff Association for August. Our
chief editor would write an article, but August seems late for recruiting
new members. The
local Cern expert has made it known that we can forget about getting electricity
for the chalet. He suggests we consider buying a generator. However, this
makes a lot of noise and smells. We can probably depend on the Marines
to be so nice to bring lots of ice for the Bernie Tourney. Planning of Accounting for 2006 Accounting
for 2006 was proposed and discussed (see above). Discussion of Long-Range Goals Keep
the fun alive. AOBMike
proposes that we could organise a dinner-quiz-night, as does the Scottish
Football Club. It is fun night and fundraiser for the off-season. The session was closed at 20:05. |