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CERN Softball Club

Event Calendar
CERN Softball Club

Activities of Previous Years: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006

Contact your coach for more information:

2007 Quark Coach: Brian Haugen / 2007 Leptons Coach: Jason Schachter


March 2007

29 All-Purpose General Meeting - 18:30 CEST, 6:30 pm Passagio Restaurant, Cornavin Station

April 2007

2 GSL Captains Meeting - Best Western Hotel, Chavannes des Bogis
18 First Practice - Higgs Field
25 6:00 pm - Joint Leptons/Quarks Practice - Higgs Field

May 2007

2 6:30 pm - Joint Quarks/Leptons practice - Higgs Field
6 Week 1 Games - Childers Field
12:00pm - Quarks at Leptons
8 6:30 pm - Quarks practice - Childers Field
9 6:30 pm - Leptons practice - Higgs Field
13 Week 2 Games - Childers Field
12:00pm - Leptons at Bulls
2:00pm - Quarks at Smokin' Dozers
4:00pm - Mission at Quarks
15 6:30 pm - Quarks practice - Childers Field
16 6:30 pm - Leptons practice - Higgs Field
20 Week 3 Games - Childers Field
2:00pm - Leptons at Quarks
4:00pm - Mission at Leptons
22 6:30 pm - Quarks practice - Childers Field
23 6:30 pm - Leptons practice - Higgs Field
27 Week 4 Games - Childers Field
2:00pm - Smokin' Dozers at Quarks
4:00pm - Leptons at Smokin' Dozers
29 6:30 pm - Quarks practice - Childers Field
30 6:30 pm - Leptons practice - Higgs Field

June 2007

3 Week 5 Games - Childers Field
12:00pm - Leptons at Mission
4:00pm - Quarks at Bulls
5 6:30 pm - Quarks practice - Childers Field
6 6:30 pm - Leptons practice - Higgs Field
10 Week 6 Games - Childers Field
12:00pm - Smokin' Dozers at Leptons
4:00pm - Quarks at Mission
12 6:30 pm - Quarks practice - Childers Field
13 6:30 pm - No practice at Higgs field today!
17 Week 7 Games - Childers Field
2:00pm - Bulls at Quarks
4:00pm - Leptons at Quarks
19 6:30 pm - Quarks practice - Childers Field
20 6:30 pm - Leptons practice - Higgs Field
24 Week 8 Games - Childers Field
12:00pm - Quarks at Smokin' Dozers
2:00pm - Leptons at Mission
4:00pm - Bulls at Leptons
26 6:30 pm - Quarks and Leptons Joint Practice - Childers Field

July 2007

1 Week 9 Games - Childers Field
12:00pm - Bulls at Quarks
2:00pm - Smokin Dozers at Leptons
4 6:30 pm - Leptons and Quarks Joint Practice - Higgs Field
8 Week 10 Games - Childers Field
12:00pm - Mission at Quarks
2:00pm - Bulls at Leptons
10 6:30 pm - Quarks and Leptons Join Practice - Childers Field
21 Bernie Invitational Tourney / Hardronic Music Festival - Higgs Field
22 Bernie Invitational Tourney (2nd day to be confirmed) Higgs Field
29 GSL Games 4th Round. Schedule TBA - Childers Field

August 2007

5 GSL Games 4th Round. Schedule TBA - Childers Field
12 GSL Make-up or Pick-up Games - Childers Field

September 2007

2 GSL Playoffs, 1st Round. Schedule TBA - Childers Field
9 GSL Playoffs, 2nd Round. Schedule TBA - Childers Field

October 2007

-- No Activities Planned

November 2007

-- Awards Banquet - Crêt de la Neige, Sergy

December 2007

-- No Activities Planned


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Last modified: Mar 29 13:30 CET 2007